Streamline your Procurement with Solvoz

Solvoz is an e-procurement platform (SaaS) and sourcing tool that supports humanitarian, health and other social impact organisations operating in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs) to achieve more sustainable and effective procurement.

Our Solutions and Key Features

Dedicated E-procurement Technology

Solvoz offers a sector-specific market assessment, RfQ, RfI and tender portal. This is compliant to donor rules and regulations, sector requirements and the markets our users operate in.

Enable Pooled or Consolidated Procurement

By leveraging collaborative pooled procurement / aggregating demand, organisations can harness enhanced negotiating power and achieve significant reductions in costs and administrative demands.

Supplier Qualification and Verification

Solvoz is a flexible and user-led procurement platform that allows you to customise supplier validation according to your specific needs or make use of existing templates.

Faciliate Sustainable procurement

Solvoz allows you to embed sustainability criteria into your procurement processes. We offer guidance on relevant criteria and can provide supplier questionnaire templates that integrate key environmental standards.

'White labelled' Customisable Portals

Solvoz offers NGOs, organisations and alliances in our sector the opportunity to create and customise their very own branded portals powered by our innovative technology.

Integrated Catalogue Functionality

Solvoz provides an open-access catalogue and the option to build your own organisational or personal catalogues. We also offer dynamic kit builder functionality and enable you to share catalogues both internally and externally.

Partners and Funders


Book a demo with Solvoz today!

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