Call for manufacturers to contribute to WORM Project

Ready for a game-changer? WORM is going beyond efficiency to embrace circularity and reimagine manufacturing for a sustainable future.

Call for manufacturers (local, regional and international) that want to contribute to WORM Project for the new exiting launch of new Portal with humanitarian Bio-based solution products:

Personal Protective Equipment PPE

Syringes and Needles

Sharps containers

Body Bags

Temporary Water/ Sludge Bladders

Our consortium is made up of 16 partners, coming from 11 countries (Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Kenya, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Switzerland, The United States, Vietnam) each bringing unique expertise in waste management challenges in the humanitarian sector.

We believe into the intersection of sustainability and manufacturing. Key insights include:

  1. Sustainability: A strategic tool for growth, resilience, and profitability.
  2. Transitioning from “take-make-waste” to regenerative models.
  3. The call to action: Transforming ideas into tangible initiatives

Today’s actions will indeed safeguard the future for the generations of tomorrow. Be encouraged to play your part in every “little” way.

We look forward to working all together!

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