Launching Today! NCDconnect is live . Our e-procurement solution is set to change the game in healthcare access for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries.

🔑 Key Benefits:

* Streamlined procurement processes

* Reduced medicine costs and treatment

* Predictable demand and market outreach

* Optimized supply chains

* Increased access to NCD medicines in LMICs, starting with oncology

Become part of NCDconnect, spread the word with us. IDA Foundation and Solvoz bring accessible NCD care to everyone through NCDconnect! Together, we can make NCD treatments more accessible for all! Check out our new website:, follow us or request a demo.

🤝 In this collaborative journey, IDA Foundation is a partner of the ATOM Coalition (Access To Oncology Medicines Coalition), an initiative led by Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).