Value of Solvoz for procurement

As a Procurement Officer within our sector, you are likely responsible for sourcing a relatively wide range of supplies (products, NFI kits) and services in comparison to personnel working in the commercial sector.

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En tant que Responsable de la chaine d’approvisionnement de votre Organisation, vous etes probablement en charge de la recherche de l’identification des larges gammes de Produits et services repondant aux besoins de vos interventions et vous apportant une meilleur visibilite de vos actions sur le terrain.

Souhaitez-vous en savoir plus sur la maniere don’t Solvoz peut vous aider et vous proposer des solutions d’achats efficaces, rentable et de maniere durable pour votre organisation?
Alors lisez la suite ici 

Featured Story

10 highlights of Solvoz 2024

10 – WORM partnership  This year, Solvoz proudly joined the WORM Partnership (WORM – Waste management challenges in humanitarian operations), an European Union funded hashtag#HorizonEurope initiative dedicated to transforming waste management in the humanitarian...

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PaaS end of year offer

How Solvoz Supports Humanitarian Action with Tailored Procurement Solutions (PaaS) As the year comes to a close and we prepare for 2025, our teams remain ready to support humanitarian and aid responses across the globe—from DR Congo to Mali, Syria to Bangladesh, Gaza...

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Supplier qualification with Solvoz

Is your organisation struggling to apply a consistent approach to your supplier validation and qualification? Is it a challenge to access complete and accurate information about potential suppliers using your current processes? Do you want to work more with local...

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Newsletter December

Announcing new activities of Solvoz and more in our latest newsletter! Check it out to learn more and subscribe today! Solvoz Wins Best Innovation Prize: The Hague Innovator of 2024 at ImpactCity Current Market Assessments for sustainable Surgical Masks, Sharps...

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