Now that we have a name, the logical next step is finding a logo for Solvoz. It is the visual identity of our mission. Graphic designer and visual researcher Arianne Notenboom explains the logo she created for our cause:
‘A logo is a modern, carefully designed symbol. Though it can hold many layers of meaning, it should communicate the core business in an instant,’ she says, explaining how she came to the image of Solvoz. ‘The way the product of service is received by the public adds to the layers of meaning, so building a strong visual image that speaks for itself.’.
Contribute to creating a fairer world
‘When I heard about Solvoz, its mission and their request to design a logo for them, I thought it was a brilliant idea. I hope this logo will add to the strength and success of Solvoz, and in doing so, contribute to creating a fairer world.
It is a real treat to be asked to design a logo for an organisation that I believe will do the world good. To work for inspiring people and be able to design something they can fully relate to. It has been a very fruitful collaboration in a lot of ways. Very inspiring!’
– Arianne Notenboom, Chief Executive Researcher at the Official Institute for Visual Research Of Meaning