Value of Solvoz to Suppliers

Access to the Global Economy of International Aid and Development

The international aid and development sector constitutes a substantial segment of the global economy, playing a pivotal role in addressing humanitarian challenges and fostering sustainable growth. Our sector also offers a range of opportunities for suppliers to contribute meaningfully to the market, providing essential humanitarian goods and services, and actively participating in initiatives that make a positive impact on communities worldwide.

Developed by and for our sector, Solvoz is an e-procurement platform (SaaS) with integrated open-access knowledge base that supports humanitarian, health and other social impact organisations in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs). A fundamental part of our approach is connecting organisations in our sector to appropriate suppliers – like yours – to ensure that they receive the right products and services to advance their individual humanitarian missions.

By becoming a Solvoz supplier, you play a crucial role in shaping a more equitable and efficient global marketplace. One in which the quality, suitability and sustainability of products is paramount and transcends previous limitations tied to a supplier’s size or location.

Key benefits of registering as a supplier with Solvoz

Enhancements to your company image

Registering with Solvoz can act as a first stepping stone for companies aspiring to collaborate with the humanitarian sector, offering suppliers the chance to cultivate valuable relationships and associations with humanitarian organisations.

This demonstration of commitment to serving our sector can become a unique selling point for your company and can contribute to subsequent boosts to the overall reputation of our supplier community.

Provision of a crystal clear ‘ask’

Solvoz simplifies the often complex task of understanding and meeting customer needs. Our detailed specifications and identified criteria eliminate any confusing guesswork for suppliers. We provide clarity in black and white, stating precisely what the client requires. This not only saves suppliers time but supports them to develop responses to tenders that are appropriate, competitive and perfectly aligned with the needs of the client.

Access to a streamlined and transparent bidding process

By clearly outlining our clients’ requirements before suppliers invest time in their responses, Solvoz also delivers a more simplified and targeted bidding process. We support suppliers to only bid on tenders that match their company’s criteria, avoiding unnecessary efforts on opportunities that do not align with their products or services.

Moreover, the platform ensures that notifications are sent in real-time to all RFQ/ tender participants, immediately informing them about any important updates, additional requirements, specifications changes etc. This ensures that you stay updated at every step throughout the bidding process.

Expansion of market access and geographical footprint

At Solvoz we serve as the vital link between the private sector and NGOs, facilitating suppliers’ access to new opportunities within the unique landscape of humanitarian procurement. Our platform often supports suppliers to take their first steps into the NGO world and in a way that acknowledges the unique context of humanitarian business operations.

Suppliers joining Solvoz also gain access to markets that may not have traditionally exhibited strong purchasing power, providing a chance to establish a footprint in areas that hold immense potential.

We also assist local and regional suppliers to gain a vital foothold in new markets, thereby contributing to the strengthening of local economies.

Assurance of more equitable global markets

Solvoz welcomes suppliers of all sizes and regardless of location. Our foremost priority is ensuring that humanitarian organisations have access to high-quality products and services, and are supported to identify the most appropriate suppliers according to their outlined criteria. 

This is why our platform actively seeks to cultivate healthy and fair competition between suppliers of various scales through our transparent bidding process. This contributes to a more level playing field, particularly for more local (regional and national) suppliers who often face unfair disadvantages within current market dynamics.

Want to register on Solvoz as a supplier today?

Are you a supplier looking to expand your market reach, make connections in emerging markets and streamline your bidding processes? 

Sign up today to be included in our supplier database, and we will contact you as soon as opportunities arise that match your business.

Join our platform to also discover new opportunities to expand your sales quota whilst positively contributing to the humanitarian sector.


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