🌍 Solvoz is excited to partner in a two-year project (which had is kick off last week) and is funded by HORIZONEurope. The project focuses on biobased solutions and WasteManagement in the Humanitarian Sector. The project (WORM – Waste management challenges in humanitarian operations) aims to design guidelines and support actions for circulareconomy in the humanitarian sector.

This project brings together medical and humanitarian organisations, procurement service providers, logistics providers, waste management services and academic partners. Solvoz is one of the partners in the WORM consortium, contributing to the procurement workstreams and technical specifications of bio-based solutions for humanitarian applications. The consortium is coordinated by Hanken School of Economics (Finland).

Learn more about this project in our latest Newsletter and make sure to follow the WORM – Waste management challenges in humanitarian operations coalition on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on this project, learn about the partners and outcomes over the next two years!