An evaluation model is essential for ensuring a fair, transparent, and efficient tendering process and for obtaining the best value for money from procurement activities. There are seven steps to follow to build your evaluation model:

Define the objectives: Clearly define the objectives and goals of the procurement process and identify the criteria for evaluating bids.

Determine evaluation criteria: Establish a set of evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate bids, including technical specifications, quality, price, delivery time, and other relevant factors.

Assign weights to criteria: Assign weights to each evaluation criteria to reflect its relative importance in the procurement process.

Create a scoring system: Develop a scoring system that takes into account the evaluation criteria and weights, converting qualitative information into numerical scores.

Evaluate the bids: Use the evaluation criteria and scoring system to objectively evaluate the bids received and determine the most advantageous bid.

Review and verify results: Verify the results of the evaluation process to ensure that the most advantageous bid has been selected and that the procurement process has been conducted in accordance with established standards and regulations.

Document the process: Document the evaluation process, including the criteria used, the scores assigned, and the results, to provide a clear and transparent record of the procurement process.

Building a well-structured evaluation model will help ensure a fair and transparent evaluation of tender bids, reducing the risk of corruption and improving the quality of procurement processes.

Contact Solvoz today to help build your evaluation model.