Today we received funding by the Philips Foundation to really get our mission up and running. We are ready to scale for COVID-19 and to make Solvoz become the best procurement solution for aid professionals and businesses in the world. We interview Margot Cooijmans, director of the Philips Foundation.

Margot Cooijmans Philips Foundation

Margot Cooijmans (left) on a field visit in Kenya, in an area where the Philips Foundation works alongside respected humanitarian organisations to provide access to quality healthcare for disadvantaged communities.

What does Solvoz do differently, or better? 

When we granted the initial start-up fund back in 2019, I already mentioned there is no similar initiative. The decisive factors for us are the Solvoz team’s thorough humanitarian field and professional knowledge of the procurement process, as well as their drive. It is not easy to set up a new (social) company, stick to your course and be determined to make it succeed. This is the most decisive factor for success, in addition to a sense of reality surrounding the business plan.’

‘The platform also offers the possibility to include healthcare solutions that can be vital in humanitarian settings, where speed can make a difference. Total solutions for a particular situation (e.g. an intensive care unit to accommodate corona patients) instead of having to search for and select all individual products and components.’

‘Some initiatives stand out. When Solvoz presented us with the idea, we immediately understood the value of the proposition. The Solvoz team also quickly picked up our feedback and so we came up with a contribution in the form of a start-up grant, but we also try to help them with all kinds of expertise that we can find in Philips. That has already led to a number of good sessions. We have also introduced them to several parties in our network, and see that almost everyone immediately understands that this addresses a huge latent need. The enthusiasm and professionalism of Claire, Rob and Jaime have been decisive. The collaboration with the Solvoz team is good and fun. They know exactly what they want, are highly competent and decisive themselves, and know how to make optimal use of the expertise we can offer them from the Philips Foundation to help them further. That is exactly what the Philips Foundation was set up for!’

What impact do you think Solvoz can have? 

‘Ultimately, much smarter and better procurement by NGOs and aid organisations and thus a greater, sustainable impact where it is most needed. We now see so much “waste” in the form of broken equipment, for example. Much of this can be traced back to sub-optimal procurement. I think Solvoz can really make a difference there. In the end, refugees, victims, patients, and other people who depend on humanitarian aid will benefit.’

Margot Cooijmans – Director Philips Foundation