What is local procurement? Why is it important? And what are the current best practice? Solvoz is invited to join this exciting panel hosted by Claire Louise Traves founder of the Local Procurement Learning Platform, next week Tuesday in Geneva at HNPW
The panel and sessions brings together a community of practice to discuss the logistical, programmatic and strategic importance of local procurement for Humanitarian Response. The panel is facilitated by Claire Louise Travers, founder of the Local Procurement Learning Partnership and Doctoral Researcher at the Hanken School of Economics, HUMLOG Institute. She invited stakeholders from academia, donor organisations, INGO communities and innovation partners. Our CEO, Claire Barnhoorn, will join the panel talking about Solvoz’ approach towards local procurement. It’s according to us no rocket science! Adopting technologies, a dedicated SaaS platform for this sector, with consolidated (free) sourcing capacity is the core of the work we care out on a daily basis for humanitarian, health and development actors globally.
Join us in Geneva, we hope to see you there!