Supplier validation and qualification

By accessing the Solvoz platform, NGOs can gain instant access to a database of more than 400,000 suppliers. As every impact-driven organisation will have both unique and sector-standardised supplier qualification and compliancy requirements, we have developed Solvoz as a flexible and user-led procurement platform that allows you to customise supplier validation according to your specific needs.

Solvoz facilitates a transparent and systematic validation process by

Empowering organisations to integrate their Code of Conduct directly into their procurement processes and requests

Equipping organisations to create customised questionnaires that address all of their required criteria (e.g., organisation-specific criteria and those mandated by donors and funders)

Streamlining the application of personalised validation templates, ensuring that all potential suppliers undergo a rigorous and traceable evaluation as per stakeholder requirements

Enabling organisations to easily share supplier questionnaires across departments, reuse them in future projects, and quickly update them in response to changes

Allowing organisations to add their supplier questionnaires to Solvoz's open-access knowledge base so that they become a valuable resource for our wider sector.

Additional Support Tailored to Your Needs

Our team of experts is committed to providing you with the support you need to navigate the complex landscape of supplier validation.

To further empower your organisation to integrate your values and requirements into your procurement activities, Solvoz also offers additional tailored services upon request.

For example, Solvoz can develop supplier qualification questionnaire templates informed by your specific requirements on your behalf. These can cover topics such as:

Basic due diligence

Sector-specific questionnaires

Reputational risks

ESG screening

Organisational capability

Want to take your supplier validation to the next level?

To discover how Solvoz can support your NGO’s mission and enhance your supplier validation processes reach out to us today!

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