Are you a logistician in the humanitarian or aid sector? As a logistical coordinator within our sector, your role is crucial to ensuring that the right resources are available at the right location and time. Want to learn more about the value Solvoz offers to you and your colleagues? Please take a look here today.

Value of Solvoz to Logistical Coordinators

The challenges you face

As a logistical coordinator within our sector, your role is crucial to ensuring that the right resources are available at the right location and at the right time. You are likely to receive frequent requests from your colleagues for solutions (products, kits and services) that are often urgently required by your organisation’s operations. The success of your role is therefore intricately tied to how effectively these requests are communicated to your procurement colleagues and the efficiency of any subsequent procurement processes.

Due to the multifaceted nature of your work, you often encounter multiple and complex challenges in acquiring and managing the resources required by your organisation. These range from the sector-wide problems that arise from working within difficult time and resource constraints, to the more region-specific issues, which vary according to where you – and where the solutions you require – are located.  

As a result of these challenges, you are likely to have indepth understanding of the need for new technology within our sector. Particularly that which can support more effective intra-organisational communication and enhance the coordination of supply chains across diverse regions.

So how can we support you in your role as a Logistical Coordinator?

Solvoz provides you with a powerful digital toolset to streamline communication and collaboration between you, technical specialists and your operational colleagues. This helps to ensure that any procured solutions meet the context-specific needs of your organisation’s working remit.

Furthermore, instead of having to convey detailed technical specifications through lengthy spreadsheets or frustrating back-and-forth emails, Solvoz empowers you to directly integrate a solution’s requirements (including sustainability criteria) into your organisation’s e-procurement workflow.

All of this is made possible through use of Solvoz’ innovative open-access catalogue and Dynamic Kit Builder that enable you to select, build and customise products, kits and services according to your exact requirements. The information you provide is then seamlessly communicated to your procurement colleagues in the form of a high-quality dossier that is accessed via a shared digital working environment within the Solvoz platform.

As facilitating the localisation of procurement is also at the heart of our approach, your procurement colleagues will then be able to utilise this detailed document to engage with our extensive network of international, regional and wherever possible, local suppliers.

Besides helping to foster a more equitable and greener global marketplace, this emphasis on the value of local suppliers also acts to increase the efficiency of procurement. Solvoz’ approach can therefore both expedite your access to the most appropriate solutions and help to minimise any potential wastage of limited resources.

Want to learn more about how Solvoz could support you in your role?

If you are interested in learning more about how we could support you and your organisation to achieve greater impact and efficiency through your procurement processes then please get in touch. 

We look forward to hearing from you.